Where Friends Become Family





MACC’s Family Ministry

MACC’s Family Ministry is established to connect MACC families with one another and encourage the development of Godly living principles within and across families. We strive to build a close-knit village that fosters the Godly growth of our children and families. Through fellowship, shared experiences, and unwavering support, we aim to empower our community to live out their faith, enriching their lives and strengthening the larger church family.


Fellowship and Bible Study

Every other Monday, MACC’s Family Ministry hosts an evening of fellowship and Bible study, from 5:30 to 7:30. Dinner as a family will begin at 5:30. Children then go to childcare at 6 p.m., when worship and Bible study begins for adults.

We recognize that schedules have never been busier. Do not worry if you miss a night. You are always welcome to join our studies and other activities whenever you are able.

Email family@themacc.org if you are interested in learning more.


Family Ministry Events


We plan to extend our ministry beyond the walls of MACC. Some initial ideas include a Friendsgiving Celebration, day trips to the zoo and local museums, sporting events and more. Our events schedule will be coming soon.


Interested in learning more? Email family@themacc.org.